shorthair male
Born: 10.10.2017
Breeder: S.Kopseva, kennel Fantom Indigo
Owner: Viktorija Spārberga
Рост: 70 cm Зубная формула: Complete TEETH & Correct BiteТесты по здоровью: HD-AA, ED-00
Тесты / Дипломы по рабочим качествам: Gundogs tests for young dogs: 22.09.2018 3rd degree diploma with 60 points 21.09.2019 3rd degree diploma with 74 points
Выставочные оценки / Титулы: BOB baby, BIS BABY 1 at NDS "Imperia Zvezd 2018" in Moscow, Russia BOB puppy at IDS Eurasia dog show 2018 in Moscow, Russia BOB puppy at Specialty dog show 2018 in Moscow, Russia Junior Champion of Latvia Junior Champion of Lithuania Junior Champion of Estonia Junior Champion of Baltic States Junior Champion of Poland Champion of Latvia Champion of Poland Сhampion of Lithuania Champion of Estonia Champion of Baltic States Open INTER CH 2x CACIB, 1x R.CACIB 5x JBOB, 9x BOB, 2x BOS 1x BIG1, 4x BIG2, 3x BIG3, 1x BIG4 Junior BIS4 place at Latvian Hunting dog speciality dog show Junior BIS2 place at NDS Bydgoszcz, Poland "Excellent" and short list in Junior class at European Dog show 2018, Poland "Excellent" and 4th place in Intermedia class at European Dog show 2019, Austria "Excellent" and 1st place in Intermedia class at Austrian winner 2019, Austria Riga`s Junior winner 2018, Reto winner 2019, Valmiera`s winner 2020
Примечание: Крепкое здоровье, отличный иммунитет, отсутствие аллергий.